Fire Evacuation Plan

Fire Evacuation Plan

Can We Help You With Your Fire Evacuation Plan?

We at Fire-Safety .ie are a nationwide Ireland service provider.

We undertake Fire Evacuation Plans for commercial and residential premises where there are multiple unit as well as smaller type of properties.

Fire Evacuation Plans can assist with the safe and speedy evacuation of premises where they are designed and installed appropriately.

Fire Evacuation Plans would normally form one part of a more elaborate fire safety strategy and the principle fire safety protection systems should be in place first to accurately represent the status of the buildings measures which can then be identified accurately within the Fire Evacuation Plan.

We generally require CAD or written plans in pdf to proceed with your Fire Evacuation Plan however if you do not have these we can usually assist with a workaround or development of these actual plans as a starting base.

Our Fire Consultants are experienced and competent and can assist with your Fire Evacuation Plan requirements here in Ireland.

Benefits of a Fire Evacuation Plan

A Fire Evacuation Plan is useful particularly in large or complex buildings and can help to ensure the safety of occupants in the event of a fire or other emergency by where evacuation is required.

This Fire Evacuation Plan should ideally clearly outline the actions and procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency and / or fire.

The Fire Evacuation Plan will typically include the designated evacuation routes, location of emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and hoses etc, location of assembly points, and responsibilities for specific roles, such as fire wardens, the fire manager and the safety officer.

Implementation of Fire Evacuation Plan

The Fire Evacuation Plan should be prominently displayed throughout the premises and subject to periodic review, or more sooner, should any aspects of the premises change or be altered.

Fire drills should be conducted periodically to test the effectiveness of the Fire Evacuation Plan.

The Fire Evacuation Plan can serves as a crucial tool for minimising risks and safeguarding the well-being of individuals within the premises in the event of a fire or other emergency requiring evacuation. This can assist with providing a structured framework for a swift and controlled evacuation.

Information We Require - Fire Evacuation Plan

We would be delighted to provide a bespoke Fire Evacuation Plan quote. To enable us provide you with a quote please provide the following information.

Get In Touch Regarding Your Fire Evacuation Plan

Please contact us today so we can assist with your Fire Evacuation Plan requirements

We aim to provide great customer service and will respond to your Fire Evacuation Plan query as soon as we can.

Fire Evacuation Plan